
Why are you here? Are you looking for a quickie? Perhaps just an inspirational quote from someone who lived hundreds of years ago but is so relevant that, if you didn’t know better, you would bet lunch it was written just last week. Are you looking for a book recommendation? A short clip from an old movie? You are a history fan and love to read historical stories – I am a huge fan of stories and an aspiring storyteller. Some opinionated perspective on a social issue, religion, politics? To learn something new about another country, another culture you never even heard about? To take a deep dive into some off-the-beaten-path topic or something critical to our survival as individuals or as a species? Perhaps you love to read heartwarming – which tend to be equally heartbreaking – dog rescue stories. You are a pit bull advocate and want to know about that. Or maybe you are the type that would appreciate some “brain vomit” from a (sometimes) tortured mind.

You are likely to find any or all of those here. And no doubt other topics that I can’t even think about because I have yet to discover them myself.

I will give you fair warning, I am not everyone’s cup of java. One of my very few friends on this maddening sphere we all live on once told me that I am: “smart, challenging, opinionated, incisive, but you also have ‘issues,’ demons that grind you down.” And she should know about that, she is now a retired psychologist.

My brain doesn’t always work in a neat, linear fashion and will often go off on tangents. Actually, it does that most of the time. It doesn’t have a set destination when it sets off on a journey. If that drives you crazy, you are not alone, just imagine what it might be like living with that torturer 24/7/365.

But one thing I think I can say with a degree of certainty is that checking in to this Cuckoo’s Nest – yes, this is a reference to one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time as well as a fascinating evolutionary strategy – for a quick visit or leisurely tour, is unlikely to be boring.

Hopefully my wanderings will lead you onto some new path to explore, give you a chuckle for the day, a new perspective on an old mystery. Perhaps there is nothing here for you; I bid you farewell and wish you luck on your search. Until we meet again. 

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